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Gwyneth Blackwell

We are all in this together

Starting with this in mind, there are so many ways in which to help each other get through this Twilight Zone pandemic. First, if you belong to a church or Temple, offer to volunteer to deliver meals and/or phone members to check up on them. Frequently the elderly may be home-bound at this time and afraid to go out shopping.

Volunteer to deliver food from food banks. You don't have to go into a home, you can leave at doorstep and let them know you were there.

Conduct well-calls. Obtain phone numbers of people who you know are at risk and call, text to make sure they are doing ok.

Check on elderly neighbors to make sure they have everything they need.

If you have small children, ask them to make cards for nursing home residents who cannot have visitors.

These are just some ideas, but if you are not feeling well, stay home and keep everyone safe.

We are all in this together!

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