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  • Gwyneth Blackwell

Aging in Place

Aging in place means a person being able to live in the place of their choice without losing their quality of life when they reach senior age. But ideally what aging in place should be addressing is not just to maintain the quality of life that the person is used to, but also to make it better whenever possible.

To live out later years as comfortably as possible, financial and economical plans should be put in place from your earliest working years. Aging in place though it refers to persons of retirement age should concern everyone as soon as possible from their earliest years of one’s career. Plans for retirement should thus be created as early as possible from your younger years and changed, revised, adjusted according to changing needs and requirements.


Aging changes everyone. No matter how fit we are and how much we take care of our bodies, eat right, exercise and keep our minds well trained and souls happy with mindfulness and being grateful, aging changes us despite all this.

Realistically we are looking at certain inevitable physical, mental and emotional changes. Not all of them need be negative. For instance some aging changes can be highly beneficial, like learning to be more patient and tolerant as opposed to impatience and rudeness in our younger years. What is undeniable is our bodies and our mental capacities do change irrevocably. Some of the subtle and not so obvious changes usually include some of the following:

  • Poorer eyesight

  • Reduced muscle mass and hence less strength

  • Diminished endurance both physical and mental

  • Higher risk of accidents due to bone fragility, less balance while walking

  • Reduced hearing capacity

  • Diminished mobility and agility

  • Decreased flexibility

Whether these changes occur at 50 or start after 80, it's better to plan ahead.

I can assist with families planning!

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